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What Is a Scratch Golfer?

Golf Courses in Brooksville, FL: What Is a Scratch Golfer?

In the United States, approximately 106 million Americans either play golf, listen to golf podcasts, follow the game on TV, or read about it. It is a game that offers challenges and requires dexterity, with players striving for the lowest possible handicap number. Those who get to the lowest handicap number belong to an elite group of golf players: scratch golfers.

What are scratch golfers and is it possible to learn how to be one? If you want to know more about how to become a scratch golfer with some of the best golf courses, Brooksville, FL offers excellent opportunities.

Golf Courses in Brooksville, FL: What Is a Golf Handicap?

To understand what a scratch golfer is, first you need to know what a handicap in golf means. It is a number that represents a golfer's ability, basing that number on the person's previous golf round scores.

The handicap helps level the playing field, allowing people to play a fair match. It can also give you an approximation of how you will play on a particular course, taking into account the course's difficulty.

Your handicap number will land somewhere between 0 and 36, with the average numbers for men and women in the United States sitting at 14.2 and 27.5, respectively.

There are some players who have handicaps lower than zero, meaning they have plus handicaps, but it is rare.

Once you know your handicap number, you can adjust the game you play with others to make it a fairer one. For example, if you have a handicap of 11 and the other player has one of 19, you will want to give them eight strokes to even out the game.

What Is a Scratch Golfer?

A scratch golfer is a person who has a handicap of 0.0 or better, or someone who shoots even par. The United States Golf Association defines the person as being able to maintain that 0.0 handicap when playing on any or all rated golf courses. They further define a scratch golfer (male) as someone who can hit tee shots up to 250 yards and who only needs two strokes to reach a 470-yard hole.

A scratch golfer generally:

  • Hits six out of ten greens in regulation
  • Rarely three-putt
  • Hits one out of two fairways of tee
  • Use chip and single putt more than half of the time

A scratch golfer is someone who can handle all aspects of the game and plays in a consistent manner. It is rare to see them hit two consecutive bad shots.

Why That Name?

"Scratch" is the name of the chalk line that people used to scratch on the ground before a race. The fastest runners would begin on the scratch line while the slower ones received an advantage by starting slightly ahead of the line. That allowed the game to be fair.

Scratch Golfers and Pro Players

Scratch golfers and pro players are not the same. Pro players do not generally carry a handicap index, but they tend to average between five and six shots better than a scratch golfer.

One of the biggest differences between these two types of golf players is the driving distance. When compared with PGA pros, the average distance that scratch golfers manage from the tee is significantly lower.

Pro players are also better at short games than scratch golfers.

In general, the statistics between pro players and scratch golfers are not very different, with consistency in the game being a major difference.

Becoming a Scratch Golfer

For players who don't want to become pros but want to improve their game, the goal of becoming a scratch golfer is one that is possible to achieve. Although you do need natural ability to get to this higher ranking bracket, practice and determination are crucial.

There are also some other factors that can help you on your way.

Get the Right Equipment

To play at an almost professional level, you need quality equipment. Players with high handicaps tend to not know much about which golf clubs and balls work best for their golf swing. To help with this issue, visit a professional fitter.

A professional fitter will analyze all aspects of your swing to help you find the right club and ball.

Take Lessons

Becoming a scratch golfer does not happen from one day to the next. You want to take regular lessons with a coach who can recognize issues with your swing as they arise. The right coach will be able to show you how to avoid making the same mistakes again.

If you do not have someone monitoring you in a regular manner, bad habits can creep up in your game.


You need to practice every day to get to the scratch golfer level. Rote practice is not enough, however. You have to go into your session with a goal in mind. Practicing with a purpose can allow you to perfect shots or learn to analyze mistakes you make.

Don't attempt difficult shots until you have the basics down.

Play Often

You want to actually play a course as often as you can. To become a scratch golfer, you need endurance and the ability to navigate 18 holes in a consistent manner. That can only happen if you play a course often.

Perfect the Short Game

One important factor in getting your handicap to scratch levels is to play a solid short game. You need to be able to putt and perform chip shots.

Turn To Expert Coaches

If you dream of becoming one of those scratch golfers, you need to start with golf lessons. When searching for golf courses, Brooksville, FL, can provide what you need. At Southern Hills Plantation Club, you can find golf course options that suit all types of golf levels.

Call today to learn more about the golf options at Southern Hills Plantation Club!



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